

Jiashan Liwei Fastener Co., Ltd





  • 所在地区:浙江 嘉兴市
  • 联系人:
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 0573-84895908


"嘉善力威紧固件有限公司是江浙沪半小时经济区从事各种标准紧固件及其他冲压件专业生产企业。公司地处长三角经济区嘉善汾湖工业区,所在地经济发达,交通便捷,320国道、G60沪昆高速、G15W申嘉湖高速横贯境内,沪杭高铁、普铁纵贯全境,为各界企业联络从事商贸业务提供得天独厚的地域环境。 公司自2006年注册成立后,如崛起的业内新秀迸发出强劲的发展潜力。通过多年的努力,现已能自主生产美制F436高强度垫圈,钢结构用德制DIN6916、国标GB1230高强度垫圈,不锈钢304、316垫圈,普碳钢平垫圈以及各种非标垫圈,并经营各种螺丝、螺母、螺钉及不锈钢标准紧固件。本公司可根据客户的要求按美标(ANSI)、德标(DIN)、日标(JIS)、国标(GB)、国际标准(ISO)、英制(BS)、法制(NFE)及非标准件量身定制,满足客户的要求。 多年的生产经验和严格的质量管理,使本公司赢得了市场和客户的高度认可。现已通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,并在国内注册了“LWQD”企业产品商标。 本公司过硬的生产品质,不仅为国内晋亿螺丝、晋吉汽车配件、上海天宝紧固件等大型著名企业配套生产,产品还远销欧州、北美、东南亚和中东等国家地区,受到了各界同行的好评。 本公司秉承“高品质、高性价、高诚信、优服务”三高一优的产品经营理念,全心致力于企业的创新、创优、创特,与国内外各界携手并进,共创未来。 "

Date of Establishment: 2006 Number of Employees: 50 Registered Capital: RMB 300,000 Annual Sales Volume: RMB 15,000,000 Specialized in manufacturing fasteners and stampings, Jiashan Liwei Fastener Co., Ltd is located in Fenhu Industrial Zone, near Highway 320, G60 Highway and has a convenient transportation. Founded in 2006, Jiashan Liwei Fastener Co., Ltd. has been developed to be a much more professional manufacturer in washer industry. For example, we can produce F436, DIN6916, GB1230, and some other wahsers in stainless steel 304, 316, both standard and non-standard washer in carbon steel. Meanwhile, we can provide you with several of screws, nuts and bolts in stainless steel. We can supply you with your requirements according to ANSI, DIN, JIS, GB, ISO, BS, NFE, etc. Years of manufacturer experience and strict quality management, it makes Jiashan Liwei Fastener Co., Ltd. got much prize from customers home and abroad. With ISO9001 certification, we can provide you with much service with our mark “LWQD”. We have businesses with Tianjin Gem-year Screw Co., Ltd, Shanghai Tianbao Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Meanwhile, our product sells good in Europe, North America, Southeast Asia and Middle East. Quality, Price, Sincerity, Service. We try our best to provide you with best.


