- 所在地区:浙江 温州市
"中域紧固件有限公司座落于全国著名的低压电器之乡浙江省乐清市磐石镇工业区。现有现代化标准生产房2600平方米,仓库仓储有1000平方米。工程、技术、品管人员20多人,是以生产经营各行业标准件,非标准件为主要产品的专业化企业。 中域紧固件有限公司专业大规模生产各种内六角非标件高强度螺钉、平杯DIN7991、圆杯ISO7380,杯头DIN912,平杯、圆杯有现货。并可按客户要求生产及设计各种高难度的非标准异型件。产品主要销往全国各个地区,主要产品广泛适用于汽车、汽动、低压电器、电子、通信、机械及相关行业配套服务。 公司严格执行规范化管理、严格按照高标准经营的治厂方针,公司的管理团队严格按照ISO9001;2000国际质量体系要求执行公司管理;公司的销售、后勤团队严格按照客户第一的标准来接洽客户、服务客户为客户提供最快、最佳、最优产品,解决客户的后顾之忧。深受全国各地客户的一至好评! “质量的最高标准就是让客户满意,诚信为钥匙开启彼此成功之门”是我们一贯的承诺。我公司技术力量雄厚,检测设备先进齐全。我公司产品品种繁多、规格齐全、品质优越,深受广大客户的依赖与好评。 公司本着团结拼搏,以人为本的理念,不断开拓市场,超越自我,追求至善。我们秉承“团结、奋斗、求实、创新”的企业精神,信奉“科技是第一生产力”的真理,坚持“以质量就是生命”这宗旨,精诚服务,共创品牌。
Fastener Co. Ltd is located in the town of Panshi Industrial District of Yueqing city in the famous low-voltage electrical appliances in rural Zhejiang province. Existing modern standard production room 2500 square meters, engineering, technology, quality management personnel more than 30 people, is the production and operation of various sectors of the standard parts, non standard parts as the main products of professional enterprises. Domain fastening piece Co., Ltd. professional large-scale production of a variety of high strength bolt, 10.9 din7991 (flat glass), iso7380 (round cup), 12.9 DIN 912 (cup), and according to customer requirements in producing and designing all kinds of high difficulty of non-standard shaped pieces. Products are mainly exported to various parts of the country, the main products are widely used in automotive, pneumatic, low voltage electrical, electronics, communications, machinery and related industries supporting services.