- 所在地区:浙江 温州市
"浙江东瑞机械工业有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售以及售后服务为一体的科技型机械设备制造企业,国家高新技术企业,浙江省AAA级守合同重信用单位,浙江省三优企业,部级创名牌重点企业。 公司创建于1989年,现坐落于浙江省瑞安市汽摩配产业园区,占地面积40多亩。公司主导产品为多工位冷镦成型机系列,产品获得多项国家专利保护;产品规格齐全、质量稳定,公司产品已通过ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证和CE安全认证。"
"Zhejiang Dongrui Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd. is a scientific and technological enterprise for making plant equipmentit in China. The company was founded in 1989. It is located at International Auto & Motor Parts Industry Garden, Ruian, Zhejiang province with more than 40 Mu (equal to 2.68 Hectare) area. The products are Multi-Station Cold Upsetting Formers. The company has passed ISO 9001:2008 and CE safety regulation. "