- 所在地区:江苏 苏州市
"美凯优(MKU)化学有限公司位于德国美因河畔的法兰克福附近,是一家具有60多年开发经验的中等规模型的特种油品生产企业。公司尤其在金属成型加工(冷镦、冷挤压/拉伸、精冲)专用油品领域始终处于欧洲领先的市场地位。其开发的特种润滑油产品广泛应用于各类紧固件标准件行业,汽车零部件、航空航天零部件以及非标异形件的冷镦成形和拉伸加工。产品可适用于合金钢、碳钢、耐热钢、不锈钢,铜铝、钛合金以及镍合金等几乎所有的材料范围。此外,公司总是能够针对客户的具体需求而开发特种产品,以满足客户的特殊工艺要求。 2007年10月美凯优化学贸易(苏州)有限公司在苏州工业园区成立。它是德国总公司在中国设立的唯一一家独资销售子公司。"
MKU is located in the German near Frankfurt, is a 60-year development medium-sized specialty oil products manufacturing enterprise. Our company has been a leading European market in the field of oil for metal forming (cold heading, cold extrusion,drawing, fine blanking). The development of special lubricants products are widely used in all types of fastener standard parts industry, auto parts, aerospace components and non-standard pieces of cold heading forming and drawing processing. The product can be applied to almost all of alloy steel, carbon steel, heat-resistant steel, stainless steel, copper and aluminum, titanium alloy and nickel alloy. In addition, company develops specific products to the specific needs of their customers and meets their specific process requirements.MKU Chemical Trade (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. was established in Suzhou Industrial Park,10th. 2007. It is the only owned subsidiary company established by the German head office in China.