- 所在地区:浙江 温州市
"瑞浩模具厂座落于瑞安市塘下镇,专业生产冷镦成型合金模具、精密螺丝冲头、冲棒、梅花六角针模等。我厂拥有完整的科学质量管理体系以及全套引进先进的开发、制造、检测设备和专业的热处理设备及真空镀膜设备。产品依照国际标准:ANSI JIS DIN ISO BS GB 等规范,并能根据客户要求设计定做各类非标冲头。 欢迎各界朋友莅临,参观指导和业务洽谈。"
The factory specializing in the production of various precision standard parts, screw die, punch, red bars, thimbles etc., the company has a complete, scientific quality management system, and introduced from Japan, Taiwan and other advanced production equipment and technology. Products in accordance with international standards: ANSI, JIS, DIN, ISO, BS, GB specifications, and in accordance with customer requirements design and manufacture of special size of punch.