

Guangdong Hignsun Hardware Co.,ltd

主营: 尾螺丝、墙板钉螺丝、纤维螺丝、快速牙、家具自攻螺丝等国标(GB) 、美标(ANSI) 、德标(DIN) 、日标(JIS) 、国际标准(ISO)系列产品,也可以根据客户要求研发生产。





  • 所在地区:广东 揭阳市
  • 联系人:汪昊
  • 手机:13790450696
  • 电话: 0663-5859 888 5859 333


"(原洪盛利螺丝厂)成立于1982年, 2011年迁至揭西县京溪园第一工业园区, 占地面积2.5万平米,厂房面积1.5万平米, 毗邻揭西县多个旅游度假景点。

拥有进口自动化生产设备及检测设备400多台,集拉丝、 成型、热处理、表面处理为一体, 年产能达2万吨以上,并通过了 ISO9001质量管理体系认证,主要生产钻尾螺丝、 墙板钉螺丝、纤维螺丝、快速牙、家具自攻螺丝等国标(GB) 、美标(ANSI) 、 德标(DIN) 、日标(JIS) 、国际标准(ISO)系列产品, 也可以根据客户要求研发生产。

公司本着“一切从客户利益出发” 的理念,不断优化完善、开发创新,产品广销国内外各市场, 且需求量逐年递增。我们将一如既往地为 每一位客户提供优质的产品和完善的售后服务。"

"Guangdong Hignsun Hardware Products Co.,Ltd. (Previous Hongshengli Screws Factory) was founded in 1982 and moved to the First Manufacturing District of Jingxiyuan, Jiexi county,which has many scenic spots in 2011.The company covers an area of 25000 square meters (workshop 15000 square meters)

we owns advanced equipments for more than 400 sets, such as cold heading machine, detecting instrument,auto plating machine etc. The production process including wire drawing, forming, heat treatment and plating . We have a good output of 20000 tons every year to meet the demands of domestic and abroad market and it is rising constantly. Our product range: self-drilling screw, drywall screw, chipboard screw, and kinds of furniture screws. All screws strict conform to DIN, ANSI, ISO, JIS and GB standards. We also provide processing service according to customers' drawings.

With the guidline of: For the beneficial of all customers, we are advancing, developing and innovating all the time. We win the customer's trust by our good service,high quality products and reasonable price."


尾螺丝、墙板钉螺丝、纤维螺丝、快速牙、家具自攻螺丝等国标(GB) 、美标(ANSI) 、德标(DIN) 、日标(JIS) 、国际标准(ISO)系列产品,也可以根据客户要求研发生产。
self-drilling screw ,drywall screw ,chipboard screw ,and kinds of furniture screws .All screws strict conform to DIN,ANSI, ISO,JIS,and GB standards .We also provide processing service according to customers’ drawings.

企业类型: 年销售额:
成立时间: 法定代表人:
员工人数: 年出口额:
注册资本: 公司网址: