

Introduction To Longsheng Screw Co., Ltd.






  • 所在地区:河北 沧州市
  • 联系人:李文军
  • 手机:13780574567
  • 电话: 0317-38411738


"河北龙盛螺丝有限公司成立于2007年12月13日,公司自成立至今始终坚持前身河间市龙盛螺丝厂“只有不合格产品,没有挑剔的客户”的质量方针。始终把产品质量和为客户提供更好的服务为目标。 为了更好的加强质量管理公司于2008年7月1日通过了ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证。 公司主要生产农机螺丝,机床螺丝。并可按客户要求订做各种高强度螺丝。依靠严格的管理体制和可靠的质量,公司为沧州长丰集团(军工产品配套),沧县利通机械厂,泊头金华铁路配件有限公司(为京沪高铁配套)等企业提供配套服务。 公司始终致力于高强度螺丝的生产和销售,先后在外设立3个销售处,为公司的销售提供有力保障。 我公司现有员工100人,管理人员10人,技术工10人,车间主任4人。公司定期对管理人员进行培训,自公司成立至今依托良好的产品质量和信誉,产品供不应求,产销量逐年增加。 公司现有螺栓生产和检测设备100台,具备螺栓生产和检测条件。"

Hejian Longsheng Screw Co., Ltd. was established on December 13, 2007. Since its establishment, the company has always adhered to the quality policy of the former Hejian Longsheng screw factory "only unqualified products, no critical customers". Always aim for product quality and better service to customers.In order to better strengthen the quality management company passed the ISO9001 international quality management system certification on July 1, 2008.The company mainly produces agricultural machinery screw, machine tool screw. And can be customized according to customer requirements of various high-strength screws. Relying on a strict management system and reliable quality, the company provides supporting services for enterprises such as Changzhou Changfeng Group(supporting military products), Litong Machinery Factory of Cang County, and Potou Jinhua Railway Parts Co., Ltd.(supporting Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail).The company has always been committed to the production and sales of high-strength screws, has set up 3 sales offices outside the company to provide a strong guarantee for the company's sales.Our company has 100 employees, 10 management staff, 10 technical workers and 4 workshop directors. The company regularly training managers, since the establishment of the company has relied on good product quality and reputation, products in short supply, production and sales increased year by year.Company's existing bolt production and testing




  • 联  系 人:李文军
  • 机:13780574567   
  • 话:0317-38411738
  • 真:0317-3845726
  • 箱:LS3841738@sina.com
  • 网: www.lslsgs.com